Doon Art Move


Hey Readers!

I have been gone for awhile now, but you were never forgotten. I have had a number of life changes leading to ….

I have refocused, reorganized and re-branded Doon Art into THE ART OF NOW 

All of the archives will remain intact, so there is still plenty of inspiration to browse, but there will not be any new posts.  

img_8175-2Thanks so much for your support all these years! I hope you’ll follow me to my next stage with The Art of Now

You can also Follow me on Facebook, enjoy me Instagram or listen to me on Mixcloud



Use Your Words

Doon Art UseWords

When was the last time you thought about where your life is heading? If you are experiencing success or failure the way you think about your life has a lot to do with your position in life.  Your thoughts and words have formed a thinking pattern that has set the course of your life’s circumstances in a certain direction.  We frequently say, “Use your words.” to my three year old grandson, to be used instead of crying.  While searching for a title for this column it occurred to me how often we say this and that more specific instruction should go along with this statement.

Most of our actions begin with ideas received from our brain. Once you have created a thought, you use words to describe that thought and that gives it energy to create action.  Every single word you have thought or think, speak or have spoken has raw power. Not just the ability to hurt or heal, frighten or express or enlighten, but the power to truly shift your reality?

If you are not satisfied it’s time to become more aware of your thoughts and learning to change your thoughts before turning them into words, can and will change your world!  Imagine changing the course of your life simply by using the right words. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, who ended up safely back in Kansas by saying the magic words, “There’s no place like home,” you are shaping your destiny every single day through the energy of the words you speak. The words you use on a regular basis, whether thought, spoken, or written, are constantly creating your reality. Continue reading Use Your Words

Why do you get up in the morning?

Doon Art Buddha wVase glass

(Article repost of  September 2013)

Recently, I have had a number of surprises and changes in my life, which has caused me to ask myself am I living my life with purpose or “Why do I get up in the morning?”  Specialists in the area of finding your life purpose, Richard Leider & David Shapiro indicate that our life purpose is “the spiritual core that helps us find the aliveness in all our day-to-day experiences.”

Without vision and purpose in life our daily activities seem meaningless. Our lives become merely an endless succession of challenges to face and they become routine and uninspiring. We may have good intentions but the monotony of the day-to-day, the responsibilities and the “busy-ness” can leave us just trying to survive, much less giving us any margin to thrive. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into years and if we aren’t careful we can find ourselves living but not being truly alive.

I believe that each of us has a definite purpose in our lives.  Some may call it ‘career’, some say ‘vocation’, others call it following your ‘calling’ – doing something that you’re perfectly naturally suited to do and fulfilling your life purpose in being here.  Some people find their way easily and naturally early in their lives and live a passionate life on purpose. Others find their way and make changes years later, or in mid- life. Yet the majority struggle and never figure it all out. With purpose clearly in mind, we are able to confront life’s challenges and move past them, knowing that we have something important to return to. This keeps us centered and strong. With purpose, our decisions come easier. We make decisions based on what best fits who we are and aligns with purpose.  Continue reading Why do you get up in the morning?

Art, Attitude & Spirituality